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If smugglers are so dangerous, why do Syrians contact and pay them?

Syrians meet mainly two kinds of smugglers during their trip North: sea and land smugglers. The news usually cover traffickers when they talk about dangerous people gaining from the smuggling of human beings. Human smugglers are usually associated to forced prostitution or forced land working; we think of them as kidnappers who keep people working for […]

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apr 1
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Why doesn’t Italy register the fingerprints of Syrians?

When a person wants to ask for asylum in a country member of the EU, this person can ask for it only once on European territory. Once here, this person is allowed to ask for asylum only in the first country of the Union that it enters. People who arrive to Italy by sea have, […]

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Did all the people who passed through Italy come by Egypt or Libya?

The majority of Syrians who have passed through Italy in the past year and a half have left Syria around 2011 and 2012. As we have seen, these people often richer, were able to take flights to Egypt and Libya and from here they decided, sometimes months or years later, to take the road by […]

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If people cannot ask for asylum through embassies, what does it mean when we say that Sweden has opened its doors to Syrian refugees?

Between 2012 and 2013 Sweden, declaredthat it would grant political asylum to all Syrians who would have applied for it. Other countries, like Norway, Germany, The Netherlands and France made a similar promise accepting a limited number of requests. To ask for political asylum means to ask protection and shelter to a state because of fear or […]

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mar 1
mar 1

Who are the Syrians who arrive to Italy?

Since its beginning, the conflict in Syria, has created around 7,6 milions of internally displaced persons and more than 3 millions registered refugees although it has been estimated the real number is much higher. The majority of these people are staying in Syria’s neighbouring countries: Lebanon (1.700.000 people). Turkey (1.600.000) ad Jordan (800.000). At the beginning […]

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If flying is less expensive than taking the boats, why do Syrians come to Europe through the sea?

Most people think that who arrives in Italy through the sea does it because they do not have enough money to pay for an airplane or because they want to try escaping controls at the border. Let’s prove these myths wrong right away by saying that a one-way ticket from Egypt or Libya to Northern Europe […]

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Migranti eritrei
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Ibrahim e Walala

Ibrahim e Walala sono due sposi innamorati. Lui alto e distinto, lei più piccola e tonda, la pelle lucida, gli occhi non smettono di brillare e nel guardarsi continuano a sorridere di gioia. Sono partiti insieme a tanti altri dalla Libia, compiendo la lunga traversata del Mediterraneo. All’arrivo sono stati però divisi e hanno perso traccia […]

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Traffico di esseri umani
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Il traffico già noto

Sono almeno 200 le persone morte nel tentativo di attraversare il Mar Mediterraneo negli ultimi dieci giorni, ma i dati non ancora ufficiali ci parlano di 400 persone. Solo una volta partito realizzi in che pericolo hai messo te stesso e la tua famiglia. Appena sali sulla barca realizzi che non puoi più tornare indietro, qualsiasi cosa […]

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syrian migration routes
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Il viaggio del suicidio

Sono arrivati negli ultimi giorni sulle coste della Sicilia attorno alle 4.000 persone. Tra questi siriani, egiziani, libici, eritrei ed etiopi: donne, uomini e bambini. La maggior parte dei siriani che abbiamo incontrato è giunto in Italia via mare dopo essere passati dall’Egitto o dalla Libia. In questi paesi tutti ci hanno descritto la vita dei […]

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